To buy a shirt, select color and size. When you click Add to Cart it will take you to Paypal™ in a new tab for payment. 

If you want to add additional shirts, just click on the 2nd & 3rd shirt options. Make your selection. Click Add to cart. Go back to Paypal™ tab to finish order.

If you'd like more than 3 shirts, please contact us directly.

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2nd Shirt

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3rd Shirt

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He Has Plans!

My message deals with problems in your life. Big or little. Like losing your job. Like not winning when you think you will. Like having medical problems or relationship problems . How do you handle them? When you put your trust in God and know that He has a plan it makes things easier for you to deal with things. It helped me be at peace with losing my job. The message has lots of stories and talks about Jeremiah 29:11 and I feel HE has called on me to share it with the world. ✝️


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